Photo 5 of 5 from Illustrator/Powerpoint/Hand-Drawn Combo


I recently returned to cartography after a long hiatus developing my graphic design skills at

This was my first attempt at fusing hand drawn maps with Illustrator and Powerpoint. Total time on the project was about ten hours. The steps were as follows:

1) Draw map using black ball-point pen and a Sharpie.
2) Scan into Powerpoint and perform color saturate.
3) Load into Illustrator for coloring and shading. (I obviously used the default scale bar and compass rose to save time)
4) Load back into Powerpoint for labeling and a bit more shading.

Feedback and techniques for improving are greatly appreciated! I already know I'll do all the map labeling in Illustrator for my next attempt.

Photo Added
12-13-2016, 02:58 AM
Illustrator/Powerpoint/Hand-Drawn Combo
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