Photo 4 of 10 from Avendale Maps

Villa Velanova was once a resplendent get away, a family mansion with a glorious, well kept garden that was the envy far and wide to other with great amounts of disposable wealth. Eventually the owner of the mansion died leaving behind his wife and her child, a child spawned from a sordid affair with the groundskeeper. Even he left her and in her grief of absence, she let the mansion fall to disrepair. She fell deeper into madness deciding it best to kill her child and run away on her own rather than be tethered to this cursed reminder, but her child quickly came back to her as a spirit snapping what little sanity she had left. She drowned herself in the garden fountains. The villa was left in with a haunted disposition. Nobody has touched it for a long time out of fear, instead leaving it to crumble into waste.

Photo Added
07-23-2018, 08:51 AM
Avendale Maps
Added by
David Fink Barrentine