Photo 21 of 37 from Bogie's Battlemaps

RedThorn Tavern bg

Photo Added
02-21-2012, 02:08 AM
Bogie's Battlemaps
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Photo Comments

  1. Bogie
    The RedThorn Tavern map shows a lot of the tavern furnishings I made so that a tavern map could be made in short time frame by anyone.

    This link takes you to the Mapping Elements thread where there is more info and download links:
  2. GoddessofKazareth
    this is really gorgeous! Nice work!
  3. Bogie
    Thanks, Glad you like it!
  4. Kisachik the Wanderer
    Look at all that food getting cold... The map looks great. Did you notice some of those stone tiles look like faces?
  5. Bogie
    "Did you notice some of those stone tiles look like faces?" Not until now, and now I can't unsee it. They are customers who didn't pay their bill !
  6. Kisachik the Wanderer
    Haha, that explains why one of the faces looks like a drowning man.
Showing Photo Comments 1 to 6 of 6