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  1. Stitching points into a model using MeshLab

    by , 02-04-2011 at 09:20 AM (Redrobes blog about playing with the technical side of graphics.)
    Ok so we have the points, lets make a mesh - a polygon model of the building. In MeshLab clean up some of the stray points. You can do that by selecting points and deleting them. The selection icon is the one with three dots and the cursor arrow. Click that and drag out a box over some points and they turn red to show they are selected. The delete is on the far right which is the three dots and a triangle with a big X through it.

    Once you have the vertices for the building without ...

    Updated 02-04-2011 at 09:26 AM by Redrobes

  2. The Forest Tower

    Rog Nenshen sat at the end of the bar at the Grinning Goblin Tavern holding a tall mug of dark Riverhewn Ale. This was his customary position on most nights as it allowed him to tell and hear stories to and from the adventurers that frequented his tavern. Tonight was no exception. There was a small crowd in front of Rog now all eagerly listening to the taverner's story." Now believe me or don't that's ye's choice but I can tell ye I was there and saw with my own eyes the horror of it all." ...

    Updated 10-30-2012 at 03:47 PM by jtougas

    Story Snippets
  3. The Royal Cartographer

    The old cartographer sneezed loudly upsetting a pile of papers on his cluttered desk. "By the gods." he grumbled. "I'll have that young fools head for not dusting this office" His grumbling continued as he shuffled over to look out his window. The vista was magically generated and showed a large expanse of land next to the ocean. He knew his King wished a map made of this area as precursor to a scouting expedition. The magic viewing window would help immensely but it would still ...
  4. UNC 134.B The Treasure Planet...

    "Beep Beep Beep.." Commander Carol Mayer shook herself out of the daze that had come over her. Too much looking out of the view screen at nothing had made her almost drift off. "Damn survey missions" she mumbled under her breath. She took a quick look around to see if anyone had noticed her lapse. On the console in front of her was a small screen that showed a bluish green planet some two light years ahead. Superimposed over the image was the survey probes initial assessment ...

    Updated 10-30-2012 at 03:47 PM by jtougas

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  5. In His Majesty's Secret Service...The Society Of Shadow...

    Rumored to be as old as Shendenflar itself, The Society of Shadow is a secret organization dedicated to the protection of the Kingdom and the restoration of balance throughout the Northern Flanaess. The Society currently includes 8 members but membership can exceed 100 in times of great crisis. Magic users governmental officials soldiers and guild masters have all served as members of the Society with the current membership a closely guarded secret.
    The Society's main mission is ...

    Updated 10-30-2012 at 03:48 PM by jtougas

    Story Snippets