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  1. Xamel Region of Demetia - WIP

    So I don't know why the mountain technique wasn't working last time, but I deleted the "mountain" layers from the image and decided to start over. This time, I did a "save as" and created a whole new file to do trial-and-error on. For some reason, this time it worked pretty well:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Xamel_Region_MountainTest.jpg 
Views:	304 
Size:	95.4 KB 
ID:	25423

    I don't really like the placement of the mountains, though. Now that I know how the technique is supposed to work (I think), I can go back and change it. ...
  2. GIMP works-in-progress

    In addition to learning Fractal Mapper, I'm also trying to learn techniques for map-making in GIMP. Right now, I'm working through two different tutorials: one by Butch Curry (which uses Photoshop, so I'm adapting it to Gimp as I go), and one by RobA here in Cartographers' Guild.

    I haven't gotten very far with Curry's method, but here is a shot of what I have. I created a forest pattern, and put it on a mask layer, so that I can very quickly paint in areas of forest on my map. ...
  3. Fractal Mapper Works-In-Progress

    I am attempting to learn how to use Fractal Mapper. I like the Fractal World Explorer, and supposedly you can import and export images between FWE and Fractal Mapper. In v7 however (the one I have), the interface is clunky and the results are often not the best.

    Still, I've been making some amount of progress by using a hand-drawn map as a background image, and building on top of that. I'm starting with a continent map and a small regional map that I had drawn by hand. In this post ...
  4. mapping blog

    I didn't realize I had a blog on this site. But I suppose it's a good way to showcase your work.

    Right now, I'm working on adapting a video tutorial series on map-making, which was originally designed for Photoshop users. I'm adapting it to Gimp. That effort is taking up quite a bit of time, but it's also rewarding because I'm learning a LOT about Gimp by doing this.

    My next efforts will involve learning more about how to use Fractal Mapper. Right now I only have ...
  5. Mapping in your mind

    So I've been playing strategic games since I was about 10-11 years old, the dad of some of the kids I played with introduced me to them, he also taught me to play chess. So the first "real" games where Chariot, Yeoman and other games metioned in the magazine General and Strategy & Tactics. I also played a lot of Blue & Gray (US civil war), which was always played on small 2xletter sized maps - hex maps of course. At the age of 11, when he was introduced to Dungeons & Dragons through some students ...