Conversation Between Mouse and Chashio

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. You could. Pick up a pencil
  2. You're welcome, Chashio I often wish I could draw stuff like that
  3. Haha, well, they're not all cute Thanks for the rep and comments! Glad you like her
  4. LOL! You're welcome, Chashio
  5. Thank you Mouse!
  6. Well you've certainly got John going on it! I'm finding it fascinating. It hadn't occurred to me before to do it that way - the way I'd normally plan the composition of a painting. But thinking about it, most of the really beautiful maps on this site just happen to have perfect composition, so yes - its an excellent way of starting.

    Hoping to see you bring those first three to completion!
  7. Ooh, you mean the old Arramatapo thread? Wow that was a while ago now. I'd almost forgotten it! Thanks Chashio You're not so bad at the adventurous stuff yourself - what with all those 5 minute sketches you've been doing. Looks like you might have started something there
  8. Hey Mouse
    I can't rep ya again atm, but I was just looking through all the progress I missed from this WIP thread of yours, /showthread.php?t=35653 and wanted to say how much fun it was and how much I love seeing all the adventuresome stuff you do.
  9. Aw thank you, Chashio You say such lovely things
  10. You're welcome - it was well deserved
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 48
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