Conversation Between Mouse and Bogie

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the lovely comment and the rep, Bogie - much appreciated
  2. Thanks for the vote Bogie
  3. Aw thanks for the lovely comments and the rep, Bogie And that's a much better name for the wee beastie!
  4. Thanks for the vote on my battleship, Bogie
  5. You're welcome, Bogie I thought it being small was part of the 'wrongness' of the piece! LOL!
  6. Thanks for the REP. Unfortunately the website I used to make the sphere doesn't have a bigger version..
  7. You deserved it, Bogie
  8. Thank you for the REP and the Vote! greatly appreciated.
  9. Thanks for the rep on the Road to Tiamis map, Bogie. Your comments are much appreciated
  10. You're welcome Bogie
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 46
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