Conversation Between Abu Lafia and ThomasR

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Bon anniversaire mon ami!
  2. Danke Martin ! It was, indeed, two weeks with four anniversaries (my wife and I met between our birthdays). Let's say, we partied a lot
  3. Oh, hey Thomas, happy birthday! Have a good time and belated congratulations to the rest of the family too, must have been some busy but festive days again.
  4. Thanks for the rep and the kind words Martin
  5. Thank you Martin ! Do not worry about the vote, trying my hand at a map like this was rewarding enough, the silver compass is just the cherry on top
  6. Hey Thomas, congrats for winning your first compass! I missed the voting (again ) but it's been a wonderful entry.
  7. Thanks for the rep and the help
  8. Thank you once again for the rep Thomas. Hope you had a good start into the new year!
  9. Man, the news keep getting better and better Thomas! Yes, many approaches to pedagogically "map" these "territories" of childhood failed miserably in my view (i guess as a teacher, you know that all too well )
  10. Thank you and you're welcome Did I mention, my wife is 6 and a half month pregnant ? A whole new territory to explore and no map to do it ...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
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