Conversation Between Kellerica and Chronist

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, I posted the answers to your questions to the WIP or your Archipelago map - more room that way
  2. It is a pleasure for me to see your artwork - So the praise deserves no doubt my question is probably not that difficult to answer. First, I would be interested in what programs you work and in particular how you do with the lines that go through the picture. It looks a bit like they are lying on a layer below the land mass. Does the hue match the color of the sea and has it brightened? is there something like a glow or blur effect on the lines? and then how you shape the frame. I would like to copy this style for my map which you can find here a thread The archipelago of the tides in Regional/World Mapping. its more a comicstyle^^ other maps of mine u find in in Building/Structure Mapping.
    thanks for advising me and excuse my language mistakes. English is not my mother tongue ^^
  3. Hey Chronist, and thank you so much for the inspiring comment on my map(s)! You really made my day. You said you'd have questions as some point, and if you do, fire away. I'll try to answer best I can. Best of luck in your own mapping - I look forward to seeing what you come up with
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