Conversation Between Mouse and MapMappingMapped

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you very much for the rep and lovely comment, MMM
  2. Thank you for the vote Mouse
  3. Thanks for the rep on Road to Tiamis, MMM - much appreciated
  4. You deserved it, MMM
  5. Thank you for your vote Mouse!
  6. Krita is easy to use, but like I think you have already been advised, you really do need a tablet to get the best out of it. GIMP is easier if you only have a mouse to play with

    A cheap Wacom Bamboo will do. You don't have to go and lash out on one of those Łthousands worth of gear with built in screens or anything
  7. LOL! Well, like I said earlier on your thread, I have a feeling I was just as much of a hindrance as a help by consistently failing to make sufficient allowances for your having zero experience in the field of digital art, but thank you all the same.

    It was fun
  8. Thank you for helping with my first digital work!!
  9. Thank you for the rep, MMM. That's very kind of you, but you really didn't need to
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9