Conversation Between arsheesh and Seraphine_Harmonium

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday Seraphine_Harmonium!

  2. I have a thread on the setting at the Campaign Builder's Guild.
  3. Huh, that's really weird, I don't know why the post disappeared. Basically I said that the map was coming along very nicely and that you had a very distinctive style. Also, I was curious if you are hosting a site that describes your campaign setting. I've been using Obsidian Portal to build my own homebrew campaign setting for Pathfinder and I'm always curious to check out others campaign settings as well.

  4. It says in the Regional/World Mapping forum and in the News Feed that you posted in Cad Goleor, but when I go to the thread itself, your post is not there. . .

    Do you have any idea what happened with that?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4