Conversation Between J.Edward and Meshon

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you Meshon. I'm happy that people are enjoying the Guildworld.
    Maybe we'll do some more larger community things like this too.
    I really like them.
  2. Thank you Meshon.
  3. Thank you for the map rep!
  4. Thank you Meshon.
    I am trying to get more greyscale work to show. I seem to miss out on opportunities to do B&W and grayscale maps for novels and such.
    And I figured it was because I didn't have enough examples of that sort of work so I'm trying to bolster the portfolio.
  5. Thanks so much Meshon for the comment and the rep.
    It is very much appreciated.
  6. Thank you Meshon.
  7. Thanks Meshon. All I can do is try. Work load is heavy so I may not be able though.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7