Conversation Between Gamerprinter and torstan

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks! I find that Hasbro lawyers are usually a pretty solid stick to use in these settings
  2. Not to worry. Upon me finding yours and Mike Schley's work linked to some online database of collected maps and emailing you and Mike, Mike was able to respond and get his Hasbro legal team to poke it. Now the online database has been killed by its creator. My and Mike's polite conversation on the said FB page, got that user to remove all offending maps. So this all got fixed yesterday.

    Here's a link to that online database for your verification...
  3. No rights granted from me. Can you send me the link?
  4. Jonathan, I saw one of your maps (Watch Tower Keep) posted on a FB page, but the claimed source of the map came from a website called

    Since I know you sell this map, the post makes me wonder if that website stole it without your permission. I also see some Mike Schley maps from the same site, and I know he doesn't allow the sharing of his maps. If I'm wrong, and you did give permission, apologies, but I fear this is a site that is illegally sharing maps they have no right to do.
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