Conversation Between ChickPea and ThomasR

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Joyeux anniversaire!
    (I hope Google Translate hasn't let me down)
  2. Thanks, Thomas!
  3. Thanks for the rep on New World, Ruby and thanks for the cheering along the road
  4. Thanks for the rep, Thomas.
  5. Thanks for all your support, Thomas. It's truly appreciated.

    I've been really busy with another project over the past few months and haven't had much time for mapping, but that's more or less wrapped up, so it's time to dust off the tablet again!
  6. Thanks for the rep and vote CP and how could I not give you a special place ?
  7. Thanks Thomas, the wedding went well and everyone enjoyed it.
  8. Thanks for the rep on the lite challenge map I hope your sister's wedding went well.
  9. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  10. Mappy birthday CP !
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 44
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