Conversation Between MapMappingMapped and Kellerica

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep, much appreciated! ^^
  2. Glad to hear I'm not the only one! The worldbuilding project of that place is my baby, and it's just really hard to be satisfied with... well, anything related to it!
  3. Well, I'll certainly be awaiting it! (And, by the way, I think most people have that problem with making the same map over and over - i certainly do!)
  4. Yeah, I think I know what you mean. I'm glad I can evoke that feeling, certainly! Still chasing that sweet spot with the Syr maps, I'm working on yet another version of it as we speak...
  5. The others are just as beautiful but this one really hooks me! It's the brush-like lines of the mountains, the subtle fading of the forests and the harmony between all the elements that just... grabs you! It's the kind of map you want to consume, when you look at the coastlines and mountain shading... That's as far as I can describe the feeling its gives me, but I'm sure you understand, as a fellow mental cartographer
  6. Thanks for the comment on that older Syr map, MMM! You are not the only one who seems to be especially fond of that one in particular, I'm not sure what it is about it (can't say that it is any favorite of mine). But I am glad you like it!
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