Conversation Between Mouse and XCali

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi Xcali! Thanks for the rep. I'm quite a lot busier these days than I ever was before, but I do drop by from time to time.
  2. Thank you very much, Omri

    I sat in the garden and got sunburn! lol!
  3. Happy Birthday Sue! Hope your year is full of happiness and lots of laughing. Have fun.
  4. Hello Omri! Nice to see you again as well

    Thank you very much for the rep. I'm glad you enjoyed it
  5. Hi Omri Thanks for the welcome and the rep! I still have a lot to do in my other life, but I hope to be around a bit more frequently than before
  6. LOL! You did indeed send me some undeserved rep. I think it was meant for Kellerica? You told me how awesome my land forms were, so I had to chuckle, since I haven't done any maps for ages

    Anyway - Thank you very much, Omri
  7. Haha, I might have accidentally sent you rep on a thread for someone else. I was on my phone. But! You are a good friend and I do miss our discussions on maps. So IF I accidentally sent you rep, take it as friend rep
  8. Aw, thank you Omri!
  9. Was thinking about how much you meant to me on my mapping journey so far. Just wanted to say thank you soooo much.
  10. Omri - thanks for the rep, the lovely comment and the vote *high five back at you*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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