Conversation Between Mouse and kacey

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Not at all, Kacey - very well deserved

    Congratulations on a long overdue award
  2. Thanks for the rep Mouse, you are too kind.
  3. Thanks for the rep I don't know anything about astrophysics either
  4. You're welcome - just a bit of encouragement to really finish this lovely map one day
  5. Thanks for the rep Mouse!
  6. You're very welcome, Kacey Beautifully drawn!
  7. Thanks for rep, and comment on my bookmarks.
  8. You're welcome, Kacey - well deserved
  9. Thanks for the rep on my bookmark Mouse.
  10. Aw Kacey that's so kind of you - thank you. Its much appreciated
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
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