Conversation Between Greg and ThomasR

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha, thanks for the rep, Thom! I'm always finding that with your maps too, so have to keep coming back...
  2. Thanks Thomas! I've been pretty terrible of late posting on here, but have managed to get up a few pieces recently!

    Hope you're doing okay! Read somewhere you'd just been busy moving and having chickenpox, so hopefully things will calm down for you soon and life can resume it's normal, still frantic pace!
  3. Happy birthday Greg
  4. As always, you're very welcome indeed Thomas! Lovely, stylish map!
  5. Thanks for the rep, the vote and your constant kind words and support, you're the best Greg
  6. You're most welcome Thomas. It's a beautiful map and best of luck in the voting!

    Also, thanks for the rep in the challenge map. It didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped, but still, good practice.
  7. Thanks for the nomination for the Atlas. This was one of my first maps and one I'm very fond of
  8. Many thanks for the two pinches of rep on the sketches, Greg. I appreciate it greatly. Do not hesitate to post a critic if you have some, I'd love to improve those kind of maps. Also, I'm cooking a thread with those maps as worn parchments, stay tuned
  9. Cheers for the rep and comment Thomas! Much appreciated!
  10. Thanks for the rep Greg
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