Conversation Between - JO - and Mouse

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh I'm so looking forward to seeing it - hoping to see some of the WIP before you go and finish it all!

    You won't find that I have done very much more - at least not to he MC map, though I've done a couple of others in between.

    Take care, Jo

  2. Well deserved rep !!!
    On my side, I'm caught up in work... I just have a few hours each week to work on a new map, on sundays : a bird's eye view of an Inn on a top of a hill.

    I've already worked on the terrain, now I'm working on the roofs ot the buildings.. but it's so slooooooow... that it's difficult to keep up the work

    I can just take a glance on this forum, from time to time to see others moving on with their projects, and it's really frustrating !

    So I hope to have more mapping time next week and on christmas hollydays...

    Take care,

  3. Thank you for the rep and the glowing praise, Jo I've been looking out for new maps from you - looking forward to seeing them
  4. You are more wise than you think. I really must find an equally funny picture for my own profile
  5. Thanks !

    I try not to take myself too seriously... I'm sure it's the good way to go. Sometime it's easy, and sometime... less easy...
  6. Oh Jo!!! I just fell about in fits when I saw your new profile picture! ROFL! What a wonderful sense of humour you have
  7. Thank you for the rep, Jo That was very sweet of you - saying what you did
  8. Thank you for the rep, Jo. I'm glad you are enjoying the adventure of creating the Merelan City map. (Lets just hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew, and that I do actually get to finish it!) LOL
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