Conversation Between Ascension and Monsieur H2o

2 Visitor Messages

  1. If you can translate it into French then by all means do so, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would like that. You don't have to send it to me, I have not spoken or read French or Spanish in 20 years, so you can just post it up.
  2. HI ! First of all, happy birthday (a little bit late, sorry). I just discovered your amazing job on maps ! Really brilliiant ! I'm currently trying to follow your explanations of your tutorial of "Ascensions' Atlas style". Because of english terms used on photoshop (I'm living in France and use the french version of this software), things are a little bit difficult. But I'm trying. As I finish my map, if you want, I can send you the French translation of your tutorial. Sorry for my english, I read better than I can write. Bravo !
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