Conversation Between ChickPea and Greg

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the vote and the rep ChickPea! I'm pleased you liked my entry so much!
  2. Thanks for the rep ChickPea! I've always been pretty pleased with the border for this set!
  3. Thanks ChickPea and no worries about the rep! I almost didn't get it finished on time, so I'm pleased you liked it and thanks for the vote!
  4. Hey, wasn't able to rep your challenge map, but just wanted to say that you did great work on it, and I really liked it.
  5. Sorry in taking a while to reply, but thanks for the comment on my Omnourra set ChickPea, I'm pleased you liked them! Thanks for the rep too!
  6. Thanks, Greg. Can't quite believe I've won a gold compass, but there you go!
  7. Thanks for the rep and comment ChickPea!

    I promise to do my absolute bestest to get something in for the challenge so please don't get that whip out again!
  8. Thanks ChickPea for the comment. I really appreciate getting feedback like that, not to mention the rep too.
  9. Thanks for the rep ChickPea, and yeah these kept me pretty busy!
  10. I'll make up for it this weekend!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 36
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