Conversation Between - JO - and XCali

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks a lot for the REP, XCali ! I'm glad you liked the map !
  2. Thanks a lot for your vote in the last challenge, XCali !
  3. Thanks a lot for your vote in the last challenge !
  4. Thanks a lot for the REP !
  5. Thansk a lot for the REP, XCali ! You are right : it looks like simple maps, because it's just a village, but it takes a really long time to get all the details right... Moreover if it's a city
  6. Thanks a lot for the REP !
  7. Thanks a lot for your vote ! Much appreciated !
  8. Thanks a lot for the REP ! Actually, this style is a kind of a "copycat" from Guillaument Tavernier's style... He made a really good tutorial (you can find it here on youtube) It's quite easy to follow !
  9. Thanks for the rep and the kind words. It was a fun little project.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9