Conversation Between Gidde and Bogie

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep and the vote!!
  2. Thanks for the rep, Bogie!
  3. Thanks for the REP and the nice comments. Glad you liked the map.
  4. Thank you for the rep, Bogie
  5. Thanks for the REP Gidde, glad you liked it!
  6. You're Welcome, and thanks for the REP!
  7. Thanks for the Rep. After the voting is done I plan on posting a full high res Dundjinni version of this map in the Finished maps section.
  8. Thanks for the Rep and the Vote! I try to make my maps as nice looking as I can, but mostly I try to make them fun to play on.
  9. Thanks for the Rep, glad you like them!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9