Conversation Between Mouse and Tonnichiwa

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks Sue!
  2. Hey Tony!

    Have a really great Birthday. I hope you get at least one wish come true
  3. But you are allowed to tell them how to make their own if they want to for themselves - with a helpful reminder that the modified symbols can't then be redistributed
  4. Thanks Mouse...and of course, the wall symbols are the one thing everyone is asking me for. I've had to tell them no can do...I'm sure people don't like it but them's the rules.
  5. Well deserved

    I can see the new walls. It was actually the first thing I noticed when I was looking at how you had done the map.

    Nice innovation
  6. Thanks for the rep and nice comment Mouse. As you can see, I've figured out a way to make walls without having to use city icons with the walls attached
  7. You're welcome, Tony
  8. Thanks for the rep, vote, and comment Sue
  9. You're welcome, Tony

    Your story was hilarious - great entertainment, and it was a terrible shame that you had that disaster. I hope you are on your way to getting a new machine fixed up
  10. Thanks for the rep Sue .
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