Conversation Between Abu Lafia and Chick

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks a lot Chick, greatly appreciated! Yes, a tough challenge indeed, as the voting i haven't done yet.
  2. Thank you very much, Abu! Rep intention counts just as much with me as actual, and your very kind comments really made my day
  3. Hey Chick, can't rep you atm, but as mentioned before, you did a great job with your "Island in the Sea" map for this month's challenge! Very neat work, and the new compass fits great in my view.
  4. Thanks for the rep Chick, always appreciated!
  5. Thanks a lot for the rep Chick, very much appreciated!
  6. Thank you for the rep, glad you like the map! ...oh it rhymes
  7. Thanks for the Vote!
  8. Thanks a lot! And yeah, that would be great...
  9. Thank you, Abu Lafia, "virtual" rep is always welcome!
  10. Hi Cornelia, can't rep you atm, but just wanted to say that the lovely Applehill opened up fantastic imaginative spaces...And ofc thanks again for your instant help with my map! (Can't say it often enough )
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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