Conversation Between J.Edward and ChickPea

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. End of the month is good.
  2. We said end of the month, which would be Mon/Tue, but if you're dead keen, I guess you could post it this weekend? Or today?
  3. When were we going to post the first interview?
  4. It's probably similar to when you couldn't save that blog post. Somewhere a check box wasn't ticked? Robbie will sort it out, I'm sure.

    I wasn't even aware of the existence of that mod panel until today! That's the first I'd seen it.
  5. Yeah, Diamond made it sound as though we could just change it but it obviously didn't work for me.
  6. I think it's a permissions thing. Unless we're both overlooking something obvious....
  7. If you figure out how to work that Mod panel, let me know.
  8. Thanks, J It's been a busy weekend!
  9. Happy birthday ChickPea.
    Hopefully you're far too busy out having fun to read this message this weekend.
  10. Thanks for the rep and the encouragement. I really appreciate it.
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 70
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