Conversation Between Bogie and ChickPea

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the REP, I thought you might get a kick out of how I MacGuyver my maps.
  2. Thanks for the Rep, Unfortunately the website that I used to create the sphere didn't have a larger size.
  3. Thanks for the rep Bogie! Yup, the whole idea is so, so wrong.
  4. Thanks for the Rep and Vote!! Glad you liked it, Bugle and all!
  5. Aw, thanks Bogie! Always happy to have made someone smile!
  6. Thanks for the Rep and the Vote! Glad you liked my little floating vacation home. This was a new level of photoshop for me.
  7. Thanks for the REP and nice comment!
  8. Thanks, Bogie!
  9. Thanks for the REP
  10. Thanks for the REP !! I guess I have a vivid imagination.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 31
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