Conversation Between Bogie and ChickPea

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep, Bogie. Not entirely sure I deserved it, but much appreciated. I hope to finish up sometime soon, unless Diamond posts another killer challenge...!
  2. Thanks for the rep, Bogie.
  3. Thanks for the REP & the Vote, I really appreciate it and am glad you like the map!
  4. Thanks for the REP ChickPea! No worries about the floor tile obsession, I have so many others, there's wall tiles, Tables, Chairs, Presets, Stairs, weapons, buildings, did I mention tables? I should I've obsessed about them a few times. Not to mention the obsessions I can't mention..... another story, never mind....
  5. Thanks for the REP, Glad you like it.
  6. Thanks for the vote & rep, Bogie. Much appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the REP ChickPea!! I like cramming in the details.
  8. Cuin's reported posts was causing confusion so I just went ahead and deleted them, thanks for correcting him. Newbies!
  9. Thanks for the Rep and Vote!
  10. Thanks for the REP and Vote, Greatly appreciated. I have done the same a couple times and voted for everyone so I understand why you did it.

    As for the the bar room brawl, always happy to oblige a lady who wants to mess things up a bit.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 31
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