Conversation Between ThomasR and J.Edward

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Plus, I've got so much work and (good) things going on in my life that I do not even have time to think of one to pick
  2. I totally understand that
    Ok. well, you will get what you get
    I'm sure it will be a fun one.
  3. Thanks John but I really like the idea of not having the choice in that matter. It's like writing, ideas come more easily when you got something imposed to you
  4. Hey Thomas - do go ahead and pick your preference. There's no harm in letting us know which area you might prefer to do.
  5. Thanks John, I'm also glad to see it done. It's pretty cool to try new things and to work with someones needs and desires. It helps being creative.
  6. Merci Thomas
  7. Bon anniversaire John !
  8. You're welcome !
    EDIT : sorry, wrong clicking ...
  9. It's always good news when you try something new. Can't wait to see it !
  10. Thanks Thomas
    I'm trying to do a new map of a larger area of Harlasea, though.. going to try a different style, not perspective.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 37
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