Conversation Between onez and J.Edward

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you John. Much appreciated!
  2. Thanks for the rep John!
  3. Thank you for the rep John!
  4. You totally deserve it Filippo. It's a brilliant piece.
    This one really raises the bar. You did a great job. Glad you shared that.
  5. Thanks for the rep and the comment!
  6. No problem
    I wasn't aware of that issue either.
  7. Oh, sorry, I didn't know :/
    Thank you for looking into it!
  8. I saw GLS's comment about the rep not showing, and the same happened with me when you repped me earlier.
    I will ask the CLs if they know what's going on there. Your rep power should be higher than zero.
    I'll get back to you if I can discover what's going on.

    Edit - apparently you had less than 30 posts at the time, and until you had 30 posts rep value was null.
    No biggie. No we know.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8