Conversation Between J.Edward and Gamerprinter

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday GP
    Hope your year has started out strong. Cheers, J
  2. Once I finish my current batch of commission maps - say in 3 or 4 days, I'll be available, and knowing me, it won't take me but a few days to knock out my entry to this project. I don't anticipate being busy at that time.
  3. Some of the requirements haven't been worked out fully yet, like the size requirements. They are all going to be compiled together at the end into one big map.
    Robbie made a map as an outline of the landmass. Were dividing it up into territories/countries based on the number of entrants that we have.
    The length of time will probably be the full month of April. Earliest completion would be April 20th, which is the actual 10th anniversary.
    We're trying to get it all going in the next few days. Hopefully as soon as we can.
    I'll add your name to the list.
  4. Sure, if I have time - what's the deadline? And what is the entry requirements. In the middle of a big commission, but I could fit it in. I want to participate, anyway.
  5. Hey GP - were you wanting to get in on the 10th anniversary map challenge? No prize but I thought I'd ask.
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