Conversation Between Kellerica and Abu Lafia

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yay, glad to hear you're still alive and kicking! Of course we all tend to lurk from time to time, but when someone you're used to seeing around somewhat often, you take notice when they're gone. Especially when that someone makes maps you really, really like I hope you'll find the time to get back into cartography again soon, even if I perfectly understand how being busy with other stuff can make it hard to find the time and energy. And thank you! I've been trying to get at least some mapping done, even if finding the time hasn't been easy for me all the time either.
    I definitely would like to do the streaming thing again, it was a lot more fun than I was first expecting it to be! Too bad about the recording, but nothing I could do. No idea when I'll actually have the time to do another stream, though, but I'd certainly love to do it at some point.
    Anyhow, I hope life has treated you well. I've missed your comments and of course the fabulous maps
  2. Hey Kelleri, glad to hear from you! Once again, i got lost in the deep and dark Lurkwood Forest Had a ton of work to do in the last months and wasn't too active on the mappy side of life. I'll try to use the longer fall/winter evenings to get back into mapping asap.
    I really enjoy the latest works of yours and it's great to see you stepping up your game (professionalization wise) and coming up with new things all the time while keeping your own distinctive style. Btw. i was pretty sad when i missed your live stream gig and found out you messed up your video afterwards... XD Would've loved to see you mapping live and chat with you and the other CG folks Already planned another episode?? Cheers, Martin
  3. Yo, Abu, where you at? I feel like I haven't seen you around in ages!
  4. Congrats on the challenge win! I seem to have forgotten to vote altogether, but I'm glad you won - it was more than deserved. Cheers!
  5. Anytime, Abu, anytime!
  6. Hey Kelleri, thank you so much for the latest rep and the kind words. Greatly appreciated!
  7. Wow, that's fascinating! Might I ask where you studied?
  8. Your welcome! I survived the read without problems and even with interest. I heard about the Haltijas before and in university i had the pleasure to hear two lectures regarding sámi religion and culture and (oral) musical traditions.
  9. Many thanks for the nice comment on my latest! Made me smile
  10. Thank you for the rep and the nice comments! Always appreciated
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