Conversation Between ThomasR and SteffenBrand

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you very much =)
  2. Happy birthday Steffen, I had the flu when mine came so, I sympathize
  3. Nice, Amazeballs is even better than meatballs. ;P Thank you very much! =)
  4. You're most welcome
  5. Thank you for the Rep, too! =)
  6. Thank you, again!
  7. Oooooh, I'm looking forward to this, good luck and have fun with that =)
  8. I have a commission map due on December the 20th (20 maps for an French RPG in two month !) that I've decided to do in that style, you'll see soon and in the meantime I post the almost finished maps on Twitter and Instagram
  9. Thank you so much for the Rep and the comment, greatly appreciated. Be sure to point me towards what you did with it if there is ever something to see =)
  10. You are most welcome
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 33
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