Conversation Between Lukc and maxsdaddy

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Cheers and happy belated new year.
  2. "I actually have a black great dane. But I find the contrast amusing" As well you should Currently NJ, USA is having spring weather in February. I assume it's natures way of saying sorry for hammering us last year with snow and cold. Cheers in the New Year.
  3. Yup - that's the place, mountains and some history and at present, no snow and terrible boreal winds. On the coast in Dalmatia there have been reports over the last week of the wind ripping fish and cuttlefish out of the sea and tossing them on dry land ... probably freezing them there.

    The kitten unfortunately isn't mine - I actually have a black great dane. But I find the contrast amusing
  4. Tomlin, SI? Slovenia? Really just curious. Binged tomlin si and got a slew of articles on an athlete.
    Don't want to be stalkerish. But if you are in Slovenia, man.. mountains, thousands of years of architecture, a really cute kitten as an avatar. Also I hate to visit a member's "home page" and not leave something. Any how, thanks for all your great contributions.
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