Conversation Between ThomasR and nopkin

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep and your vote, Thomas!
  2. Thanks for the rep, nopkin And you're right, the map looks better in real life (after 3 passes of ink for space and white ink tiny dots for the stars). It just needs a new title as my wife wants it framed in the house.
  3. Thanks for the vote, nopkin. You really gave us a jewel with your map
  4. Thanks a lot for the rep and your vote, Thomas!
  5. Thanks for the rep nopkin. I'll start the new map next week
  6. Thanks for the rep
  7. Thanks for the rep, Thomas! Since I had to use my blackboard for some other projects, I had to resort to something else
  8. Thanks for the rep and your nice comment! You're too kind.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8