With or without sheet effects

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  1. Mouse
    Hey Mark. Glad you could come along and join in. I'm hoping that Storm will start uploading some of her maps in the next few hours - something to really get the collection going and give everyone more than just two maps to look at
  2. Neyjour
    Thanks so much guys, for the info and link/example on sheets! I understand it now. That's pretty cool how they work!

    Mouse, I'm really looking forward to when you map Urrowan! (I love ruins).
  3. Mouse
    Its was time to clear up the confusion

    I like ruins too, although I've never done one before. I think Urrowan is next on my list - once I've finished Merelan City, and Merelan Observatory

    You might even see me doing some of my own drawing - in CC3+. It IS possible, you know
  4. Mouse
    Only a few days into the existence of the group, and I'm forgetting to say things - like...

    Welcome Mappy Whether you've come to show CC3/CC3+ maps or just look, that's fine.

    @ Redrobes - thank you for changing the name of the group so quickly

    @ Storm, I've always loved Merydyanirg. Thanks for uploading with and without effects - again quite a contrast

    @ Tonnichiwa - Thank you for sharing the Road to Dojyu I love the style of this map.

    Sorry to be a bit brief - last time I posted a reply it took me three goes to hone it down to 1000 characters!

    Take care all, and keep posting
  5. ladiestorm
    Well, I realized that I've deleted some of my fcw's after the map was completed (to save room on my laptop, I REALLY need an external harddrive!!!), but this is one I still have. Once the lite mapping challenge is voted on, I will post Black Talon Reach here as well... I still have that fcw.
  6. Mouse
    Wow Storm. You must have a lot of other stuff on there for that to be necessary. What a shame!
  7. Mark Oliva
    Mark Oliva
    QUOTE: Well, I realized that I've deleted some of my fcw's after the map was completed (to save room on my laptop, I REALLY need an external harddrive!!!), but this is one I still have.

    You really should say things like that before you start erasing! I have one or two smaller USB drives here (only 1 TB) that I don't use anymore because they aren't big enough. I'll send you one.
  8. Mouse
    Please don't delete any more. The actual FCW files are really quite tiny compared to the png and jpeg output! And what if you want to make some improvements on your old maps in the future?
  9. waldronate
    Texture overblend is another of those effects born from sheer laziness on my part. It was too much effort to set up fill styles and keep changing things around, so I wrote an effect to just blitz-fill everything on a sheet. I really should have done a better job of fixing the texture in space and adding an option for filtering, but I never got around to that part before it shipped. After it ships, you can't break things much...
  10. Mouse
    It can be little heavy on the processing power if you use a lot of it. Best kept for special occasions I think? Are there any more effects in the pipeline?
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