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Thread: The Gwentian-Mercian Border ---- My first map

  1. #1

    Map The Gwentian-Mercian Border ---- My first map

    This is a Map I made for a Wolves of God(a tabletop RPG set in dark ages england) game I'm GMing. Its my first serious attempt at a map, and I had a good helping of assets from Mazlo-CG2A. The names are just a mix of Anglo Saxon, Welsh, and Roman appropriate for the time, but are mostly made up by putting two words together. I used primarily to create it. If you've got any tips/suggestions on how to improve I would greatly appreciate it. The map is meant to depict a river that serves as the border to the kingdoms of Gwent and Mercia as the campaign is going to center on a conflict in that area.


  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    Sep 2017


    Really interesting! The Anglo-Saxon period is a fascinating portion of history, although the actual evidence of settlements etc. is a bit more sparse than I would like. Setting a campaign in that sort of time period is a very interesting idea that I may end up using at a later date!

  3. #3


    The mountains/hills look amazing, did you use real-world heightmaps of some kind? Nice work!
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  4. #4


    That's a great looking map - and sounds like an interesting campaign setting!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
    The mountains/hills look amazing, did you use real-world heightmaps of some kind? Nice work!
    I used Mazlo-CG2A's Topographic mountain asset pack. It's just a bunch of shaded outlines of a mountain which you place on your map, then add some simple colours underneath with a Gaussian Blur, it comes out great! Here's the link to the pack if you're interested.

  6. #6


    great looking map!

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