
Hi! My org (The GeekERIE) recently did an Intro to Dungeons & Dragons workshop for about 27 kids and we (three DMs) took each of our groups on their first RPG adventure. We didn't anticipate that the kids would want to continue adventuring with us beyond the four weeks that were originally scheduled, but they did and we agreed to keep playing.

For my group, I want them to have their own world to play around in, but I lack the skills to draw a continent and not have it look awful. So, here I am asking for the help of experienced folks.

The land I have in mind is called Illyria (Yeah, from Twelfth Night ). It's a continent that was formed after an impact event at the world's North Pole. There's a semi-circular wall of mountains that surrounds the northern-most area of the world (a body of water with an island at the impact site (the remnant of the meteor)). I've attached a rough sketch of how I picture the biomes to play out, but I'm willing to wiggle them around. The size of Illyria is roughly that of Asia.


I'd like a B&W drawing of the continent. I don't have a particular style in mind, more like.. "guidelines": I like Jared Blando's style (simple, uncomplicated) as opposed to a fussy, museum-quality style.

Quality & Size
The final file should be print quality - 300 dpi, poster-sized.

Time Constraints
I have no hard timeline, but I'd like to have the map within six months.

I don't intend to publish this map, just use it for my home campaigns. The artist is more than welcome to retain whatever rights s/he wants. I would like reproduction rights.

Contact Details
You can contact me at Your Host -@- TheGeekERIE . org (removes the spaces and the -). We can hash out the details of payment or trade. There will be remuneration of some kind.

