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Thread: A Little World Map Request

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    Post A Little World Map Request

    Hello Everyone. A friend of mine asked me to take on a little cartography project for him, involving producing a better looking world map for his campaign. Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now. I was wondering if anyone is interested in doing it.

    The task entails taking the two maps that I've attached, and turning them into a decent looking world.

    Some specifics:
    - Map to be about 3000pixels wide (and as tall as appropriate to maintain the proportions).
    - Tolkein-esque in style, using muted colors for the various features.
    - Please add rivers as the current maps are lacking them. (Most should drain to the ocean, but a few can drain into the inland sea and lakes on the two continents.)
    - The depth lines on 'Elevation' indicate that the map would wrap around. This is no longer the case. The map does not indicate the entire surface of the planet; it covers an approximate area the size of Europe and Asia. The north edge is at about 85N while the south edge is at about 15S. The planet is approximately the size of the Earth.
    - The 'Elevation' map basically indicates the de facto locations of hills and mountain ranges. In addition to those high areas indicated, feel free to add some other small mountain ranges or groupings of hills as your artistic license guides you.
    - I don't need text or labels of any kind, nor do I need cities or settlements of any kind.
    - Feel free to "roughen-up" the outlines of the various landmasses to make them more realistic, but please keep the overall shapes as close to the attached as possible.
    - Please indicate increasing depths in the ocean with darker and darker shades of blue.

    I've tried to be as specific as possible in the request so that a first stab from someone following them should be pretty close to perfect. I appreciate whoever will take the few hours to do this.

    [Maybe I should just make this a mapping challenge: Take the attached pieces of visual crap and craft a stunning world map from them!! That would ensure a wide range of maps for my buddy. -- But I digress.]
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