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Thread: Temple of the unknown Goddess

  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Styescape's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Default Temple of the unknown Goddess

    This dungeon map was my entry for "Jan/Feb '20 Lite Challenge: RPG needs a DUNGEON map." which had some specific requirements:

    Setting: Fantasy
    Location: Underground Dungeon
    Construction: Partially natural, partially man-made, ancient / old but in good condition / currently in use.
    Size / Scale minimum size 18" x 24" maximum size 36" x 48" at 1 inch = 5 feet resolution min 100 dpi, max 200 dpi
    Specific Rooms:
    1: Entry from an above ground area. Should have a door or gate of some kind.
    2: Guardroom near the entry, a place for guards to watch entry but also store their gear and rest.
    3: Storage room for supplies
    4: Workroom / smithy / forge
    5: Grand Hall / meeting room / dinning room
    6: Chapel
    7: Living quarters for 10 to 25 occupants.
    8: Small treasure room to store valuables
    9: Jail / Prison
    10: Mine
    11: Chasm / Large bottomless pit
    12: Water feature, a room with a well, a pond, or a stream.
    13: Catacombs
    Original WIP thread can be found here

    The map was made with Photoshop 9 by using free textures and many of Bogie's free map assets (thanks again for that!). It was my first try with a dungeon map and I had much fun with that.

    The temple of the unknown Goddess was constructed behind an old gold mine. During hundreds of years the mine was flooded and the temple forgotten. Today no one knows to whom this temple was primary dedicated. Besides a statue of an unknown goddess, no hints are given who was honored there. But now rumors say new worshippers arrived... and no one knows, if they discovered already that something else chose the old mine as its new home...
    Temple of unknown Goddess_final2.jpg

  2. #2
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Okay, the bad first, then the good.

    "Entrance" is misspelled. So is "Chapel".

    You've avoided several of the common problems I see in this type of map. The entire dungeon has a consistent look to it that gives it unity. The furnishing is plentiful enough to feel complete, but does not clutter the map. The whole is very clear and usable. I feel that I could take this and use it in play without difficulties, even populating it on the fly in an emergency. The only point on which I might suggest a change is if "the Pit" is intended to be a chasm (as described in the challenge brief), it should fall into complete darkness. It appears to be a relatively shallow pit (I mean, fall to your death, sure, but the body could be recovered).

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer Styescape's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2020


    Thank you very much for your comments rdanhenry!

    "Entrance" is misspelled. So is "Chapel".
    Yeah my everlasting problem of bad English and sometimes even mixing up with German

    You've avoided several of the common problems I see in this type of map. The entire dungeon has a consistent look to it that gives it unity. The furnishing is plentiful enough to feel complete, but does not clutter the map. The whole is very clear and usable. I feel that I could take this and use it in play without difficulties, even populating it on the fly in an emergency.
    Thanks, that is a very nice compliment indeed, especially because that was my first dungeon map and I was pretty unsure about the whole concept first.

    The only point on which I might suggest a change is if "the Pit" is intended to be a chasm (as described in the challenge brief), it should fall into complete darkness. It appears to be a relatively shallow pit (I mean, fall to your death, sure, but the body could be recovered).
    You are right, I considered a complete black underground, but that didn't look very good. I tried to give that an impression of a "shelving" hole, but that failed obviously, because of my lacking skills with that. Next time, I hope to manage that in a better way.

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