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Thread: Hello!

  1. #1

    Default Hello!

    Hi everyone!

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's cartography and working on my own. The only maps I've ever worked on were for DnD which were just colored pencils and ink. I'm planning on trying Campaign Cartographer thanks to the humble bundle.

  2. #2


    Welcome from a fellow newbie! Nothing wrong with colored pencils and ink! I just saw the Humble Bundle and am considering getting it, even though I'm only doing dnd battlemaps at the moment, not city or world maps... but who knows, in the future I might want to. It's certainly tempting. Would you recommend it?

  3. #3
    Professional Artist Tiana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!


    I haven't used any of those programs but honestly it's cheap, you might as well grab them now if you think you might want to use them. I probably will. I mean, it's less than the cost of one program for two. I'm very curious about that city builder. I do hear CC3 is hard to use compared to some other programs but hey, it's not a big spend compared to its full price so now's the time. Like if you make battle maps why WOULDN'T you want to be able to branch out. Welcome to you both.

    Edit: I do not recommend it. The program is enormously convoluted with nothing resembling a standard graphic design flow. I've found all of one thing I like about it, which is not enough for me to try getting around its highly bogged down interface of mystery. Not only that, but I'm angry because it won't let you use the extra feature packs without installing everything on C. I use an SSD, so my C drive is VERY small, this is a contentious issue with me. I would not recommend this over newer mapping programs, though there may be far more assets for CC3 it's intuitive in all ways. The program seems to have been designed with "if we can make this harder to understand, we will" as their motto. I can't even begin to describe how frustrating it is to get to a new color of my choice, instead of the limited set pallet, and the rivers and roads tools seem to be completely broken with no indication of how to get them to have a "matching draw tool", and the fractalization drawing is... well... it's not very good.

    I'm extremely underwhelmed after getting used to Other World Mapper. I'd go for that or Wonderdraft or Dungeon Fog, I guess, if you want a mapping only program, even though I don't like the subscription model it really does look like you can just whip up a battlemap in it with quite a lot of organizational power.

    I want to be able to use the city builder, but honestly, I don't think the learning curve is worth it for what a good CC3 map looks like.

    I really like how you can drop a block of houses down in like 3 seconds, but it's worthless because I can't select the houses after the fact to restyle them, due to there being no selector tool... And for some reason, in that mode, it won't let me do roads. I truly think this is one of the worst program experiences I've ever had and I would actively discourage it over just drawing your own map in a standard art program. I don't know why anyone would choose this. Fortunately it's cheap and if you really feel like testing it, now's the best time... but I would NOT recommend it.
    Last edited by Tiana; 06-21-2020 at 08:57 AM.

    Click my banner, behold my art! Fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, RPGS, novels.
    No obligation, free quotes. I also make custom PC / NPC / monster tokens.
    Contact me: or _ti_ (Discord) to discuss a map!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Olooriel View Post
    Welcome from a fellow newbie! Nothing wrong with colored pencils and ink! I just saw the Humble Bundle and am considering getting it, even though I'm only doing dnd battlemaps at the moment, not city or world maps... but who knows, in the future I might want to. It's certainly tempting. Would you recommend it?
    I'm not certain yet, there is a lot to learn about it. I'll try and sit down this week and really dig into it.

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