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Thread: Hello! GM for Family Game Night

  1. #1

    Default Hello! GM for Family Game Night

    Hi everyone,

    I am the GM for my family game night. We are currently doing a Star Wars Roleplaying campaign using the Revised Core Rulebook made by wizards of the coast and all their additional books.

    Also, we are using roll20 .net since most of us live across state lines and cannot meet in person for the game. The website offers me a lot of material and tools for the game for a small price, but I looking for maps!

    Hopefully I can contribute my own creations here to and thank you if you took the time to read my post. Have a wonderful day!

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Welcome! Its awesome to hear that even with the restrictions from the last few months that people still have ways to connect.

    There are quite a few threads on this site where people make available their maps for use. Just search around a bit.
    I have my own thread for this, but mine are mostly focused on more fantasy oriented maps. If interested still, it's here

    Good luck! and have fun!

    ~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~

    My web novels
    Instagram handle:
    ~The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
    Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
    ~ Psalm 19

  3. #3
    Professional Artist Tiana's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!


    LunaticDesign on the forum does Star Wars maps. Be sure to seek him out.

    Welcome to the forum.

    Click my banner, behold my art! Fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, RPGS, novels.
    No obligation, free quotes. I also make custom PC / NPC / monster tokens.
    Contact me: or _ti_ (Discord) to discuss a map!

  4. #4

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