
Map for a city for a campaign I am running. The setting is victorian horror with elements of steampunk added in, and the city in question is the capital of one of the nations.


A couple of images of maps that have caught my eye:


For most of the city, the 'block low def' thing is perfectly fine though it would be nice to have a handful of buildings/locations in higher def, similar to the first image.

Also, just from an inspiration perspective for the world, a couple examples:


Quality and Size

[Colour or sepiatone style]
[Dimensions of map: 2560x1600 pixels]


Format is artistÂ’s discretion; whichever format keeps highest image quality.


I just need to use it for personal use, with artist retaining reuse/copyright rights.

Time Constraints

It'd be nice to have a draft by mid January, with the full thing by March. Sooner is perfectly fine too, of course!


Price negotiable based on artist portfolio / timeline. Happy to utilize Paypal with 50% of negotiated price up front. High potential for other projects after this one.


Email at kenamun at gmail dot com

Thanks so much!