OUR moon rises same way as our sun :-).

Retrograde orbit = comes up t'other way.

Maybe this culture's compass notes which way the moon rises 'cause worshipers need to know, or 'cause it's got a honkin' big magnetic field and on cloudy nights navigation is tricky w/o compensation for moonrise. Maybe THIS moon is a freakin' evil battlestation, unbeknownst to the tribal types, and some times it rises east, some west... and the rose is more of a TIME indicator than a directional one.

Hmm, considering the tattoo angle - maybe it goes not on parchment but on PEOPLE. This on somebody's back, one is supposed to orient the dude when moon is <there> and sun <yonder>, and when you do, he.... what? I dunno what happens. It's your tribe, not mine.

Now I dare you to do a tattoo map to match the rose :-).