This is the first level of a map I'm creating for my next mega-weekend D&D game. Traitor Caverns is a natural cave system that was expanded and used as a military outpost. Legend says that during a major war (well, an apocalyptic conflict that destroyed most of the civilized world actually) a rogue company stole a powerful artifact from the priest-kings and fled to the Caverns. Their goal was to keep the artifact out of the hands of those in power and slow the destruction. They were pursued and slain, but the artifact was not found.

I'm still working on B&W maps, but I'm trying to work out some finish details too, so progress on this is a bit mixed. I actually did the border first, because I'm trying to build a workflow for this style. The doors are dropped in from another map, I think they're a bit large for this one. The speckled shading combined with the smooth background is growing on me.
