Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
How about this for an idea...

You could use the tower to anchor that end of your village - land anchors being more reliable than underwater ones. We'd just need to line up the anchoring cables that way

You could even use the anchor cables as the basis for a chain ferry, though I have no crane at my end other than the one that's built into the core of the water tower for lifting small boats, so it would only be a passenger and 'light goods' terminal
I'm on it! I'll make a tower and a dock, and we can work out how to connect them up. For the orphans!

Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
This is looking really great Meshon. I love the concept you have going here.
Thank you! I'm hoping it will turn out to be a big mess…

Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
The way you drew those "walks" down to the water level reminded me of this place, that I've been planning to visit for a while - I'm sure it will work as a nice model for you if you can find some drone-made pictures of it..
That is really cool, thank you for the link, I'm definitely going to try to use some of that for reference.

Not a whole bunch done, but I've started in on the platforms for the water market. What a jumble! It's a wonder it doesn't sink…

### Latest WIP ###Mossbank-Watermarket.jpg

I'm not sure about the boards. The trouble is that they're small so they are a) hard to see and b) create a lot of density. I'll take some time to gaze at it and think about whether I can live with it.

Thanks for checking it out!
