Project Scope:
I participate in a forums RP setting that is fantasy/steampunk and there's different regions within it and each region has counties. I need a map of a region that is very cold and has lots of mountainous lands.

Fantasy/Steampunk with early to mid 1800's technology. Cloadania is effectively a "Viking" like culture that is blended with a moderate necromantic & elemental magic culture and includes Dwarves in the mountains, snow elves in the forests and the "Humans" are actually human with demonic and dragon bloodlines.

Design Concept:
Standard topographical map of an area with sections done in this style . The overall size of the land will be that of Norway + 50%. A brief description of the climate can be found here . The land will need to be broken up into 15 "Counties" with 1 being most of the mountains and 1 being a very vast open area. Each "County" will have 1 major large community and between 3 and 5 other smaller communities as well.

Number of maps:
One map done in the design as linked up above.

Color and design style as the map linked up above.

Remains with cartographer to use in their portfolios.
Myself so I can use in the setting and other games as well.

Flexible. Obviously sooner the better as is with most people right?

$100, payable via Paypal upon delivery of the final product.

Kris C.
Please use subject line Cloadanian Map