Quote Originally Posted by Gandwarf View Post
Can you give short description what the book is about? I am writing a fantasy novel myself so I am very interested. And no, not to steal your ideas
(finishing book 2 right now of the first trilogy - my book is in Dutch as that is my native language)

Also, how do you write a book with two people? I want to write a fantasy story with my fiancee as well, but I am not sure how to make it work. Do you both write different chapters or characters?

Oh, and congrats on your soon to make 1000th post
Let's see.... I've been sitting here for longer than I need to, trying to write a short summary. BUT I CAN'T!!! ... there is just so much I want to go into. SOOO, I will get my wife to write one up, she's the one in charge of writing a summary anyway for the back cover, this will give her a reason to get motivated about it. Fair enough? I think I'd just muck it up and give away too much.

As for writing together. The world was my little brain child... the gods, the places, the races. My campaign world for the last 23 years with enough history and color to choke a bull wyvern. She wrote a fantasy romance novel based on this world. When it was evident that we were going to be able to publish a book, this is the story we chose. Originally it was just going to be her name on the book, but after the process of editing and rewriting, I had put so much of my style in it as well, it became a joint effort.

Funny thing is, I never thought I would be able to write with someone else, but the more we worked together, the better it got. I pretty much write all the scenes that involve battle and action, she writes the rest. For this book, I've written the prologue and several chapters involving side characters.

It's kinda hard to explain how we do it. We work best though in the editing process... I read the story and she edits as I prattle on.

?? make any sense at all?