No such luck, I reset it last night and the pen still isn't responding. I'm going to try a new battery even though it said I still have 25% left on it, but I ordered it this morning and it will be 2 to 4 weeks before it gets here and if that doesn't work I'll have to get them to send me a new one which could take another month... So I'm definitely out of the challenge. I'll probably pick this back up in a separate thread once I get it all sorted out, and in the meantime it might just give me an excuse to pull out the old pencil and paper again. I can use Corel Painter with my finger or a dumb stylus, but PhotoShop only works with the pen so I may be able to do some water color type washes or add parchment and color corrections to a hand drawn scan, but detailed digital painting is out of the question.