Here's a sneak peak at what I'm up to:

The idea was inspired by Dwarven underpaths and tunnels through various fantasy worlds (particularly since I got Warhammer Total War while it was on sale) and AdventureDepot's dwarf map. I was thinking how about making a sort of caravanserai/waypost in the underpath would work for Dwarfs and how they would design it.

This one occurs at the junction between a minor path and a major thoroughfare between two Dwarf mountain cities. The thoroughfare runs north south with the branch heading east going to an under forest. I figured for the dwarfs to maintain control of the road it would have to be diverted around the fort, and I also figured that the dwarfs would be using ranged weaponry, a mix between siege bows and crossbows or what have you. Obviously then they are going to design a structure conducive to this, which is why I went with a star fort based idea. They have nice long, unobstructed, crossing, fields of fire. Given the nature of the dwarves general enemies however (brutish hordes of malevolent sometimes strong creatures) I figured the dwarfs would also plan for the possibility of breaches in the outer defences, and so the fort is able to be defended in sections inside as well.

As well as being a fort this place serves as a resting place for caravans traveling the underpath. Dwarves, to my mind love bathing (since dwarves are basically Romans, but short, and wearing the trappings of stereotypical Scots), and so I included a baths, and gym for the soldiers of the fort and the caravans traveling the road. There is also an inn and common room and repair shop/farrier for the caravans passing through. They can't bring their wagons into the fort but they can bring their animals and goods if they wish, and there is room for them to put there wagons safely under the guns of the fort as it were.

The reason the photo is such a jumbled mess is that I included all three levels in the same shot just to give an idea of what was going on. This was going to be a one day project, but it expanded into something far more than I anticipated. Further plans are:
-To improve the lighting, the reason I didn't have lights in the wall defence rooms was so that my guys wouldn't be back lit. I'm not sure how to solve this,because I don't want to increase the ambient lighting really. I don't plan on texturing anything.
-Add the defence crenelations (or arrow slits or whatever they are called, since this goes up to the roof).
-To add the service tunnels and things (sewers, reservoirs, Jeffreys tubes... I mean... maintenance tunnels), perhaps ventilation, pit access for the dead falls and that sort of thing.
-And I'm not sure If I should do this or not, but furniture, siege weapons etc. I've already done some basic bunk beds and lockers for the barrack rooms (which you can't see because they aren't lit up), but really not sure I'f I should continue down that route or not.